Tuesday, February 14, 2012


There are African fruits,roots, seeds, barks, and leaves that are very useful to human health but most times we take them without knowning their health value. Some of them will be discussed in this page.

A.Name: Bitter Kola
Botanical Name : Garcinia Kola
Other Names : Igbo – Aku ilu.
Ordinary Uses : i. As antidote for ingested poison.
ii.Treatment of abdominal colicky pain.
iii.Treatment of hepatitis.
iv.Treatment of chest cold and cough.
Clinical Uses : i. Drug detoxification.
ii.Bronchodilation (for asthma)
iii.Liver disorders.
iv.Male virility.
v.Blood sugar regulation.
vi.Lipid disorders.
vii.Infectious diseases.
viii.Boosting of immune system.
ix.Weight reduction.

B.Name : Garlic.
Botanical Name :Allium Sativum.
Other Names : Igbo – Ayuu.
Yoruba : Ayu.
Actions : It is :-bacteriostatic
Uses : Treatment of :
i. fever.
iv. asthma
v.nervous disorders.
vi. hypertension.
vii.ulcers and skin diseases.

C. Botanical Name : Anthiocieista djalonensis.
Other Names : Igbo :Okpokolo.
Yoruba : Sapo.
Hausa : Kwari.
Uses : i.As diuretic.
ii. As purgative.
iii. Poison antidote ( in Ivory Coast ).
iv. As emmenagogue (stimulates menstruation).
vi.Treatment of :-oedema
-elephantiasis of the scrotum.

Other Uses : Treatment of : - chest pain
The hot water extract of the root is used in Nigeria for women with
-irregular painful menstruation.

D.Name : African pepper (guinea pepper).
Botanical Name : Xylopia aethiopica.
Other Names : Igbo : uda
Edo – unien.
Ibibio/ Efik – Atta.
Yoruba –Eeru
Uses : of the stem ,bark, fruits, seeds, and roots.Treatment of :
i. stomach ache.
ii. dysentery.
iii. bronchitis
iv. cancer
v. ulcers
vi fever and debility
viii. postpartum management
ix. enhances fertility.
x. vermifuge.

E.Botanical Name : Cajanus cajan.
Other Names : Igbo : fio fio
Edo : olele.
Gwari : shingwazo
Hausa : Aduwa.
Igala : agadagbulu.
Tiv : alev.
Yoruba : otili.
Leaf extract is used as :-anti-sickling agent and treatment of :
-urinary infections.
-yellow fever.

F.Name :Brimstone tree.
Botanical Name : Morinda Lucida.
Other Names : Igbo :eze-ogu /njisi.
Yoruba : oruwo /erewo.
Hausa : marga.
Uses : Treatment of :
-typhoid fever.
-dressing of wounds to prevent infections.
-boost low sperm count.

G.Name : African Nutmeg.
Botanical Name : Pycanthus angolensis.
Other Names : Igbo : egwnoma
Yoruba : akomu
Hausa : akujaadi
Uses : -wound healing.
-stomach ulcer.
-helibacter pylori.

H.Name : Aloe vera .
Uses : -curing soft tissue cancer.
-restrains the development of cancer tumour.
-raises levels of tumour necrosis.
-stimulates immune system response.
-enhances healthy tissue.

I.Name : Grape seed extract.
Uses : damages cancer cells’ DNA ( via increased reactive oxygen species and stops the pathway that allow repair as seen by the decreased of the DNA repair molecules Brca1, Rad51, and DNA repair foci.

J.Name : Tomatoes.
Tomatoes contains a chemical component called lycopene which is a natural anti-oxidant that :
-prevents prostrate cancer in elderly men.
-prevents breast cancer in women.
-reduce the occurence of other forms of cancer.

K.Name : Sausage tree.
Botanical Name : Kigelia african / pinnata.
Has antibacterial activity, has cytotoxic effects against cancer cell lines.
Uses : Treatment of skin cancer.

L.Name : Citrus.
Contains limonoids which
-fights cancer of the mouth, skin, lungs, breast, stomach, and colon.
-inhibits development of cancer cells.
-reduces cholesterol.


  1. Great work. but please i need your references to verify your facts. chukaekeledo@yahoo.com
